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Bribie Tri Long Course Race Profile

Official Course | Weather

** X and X indicate potential race impact > 2 min

Race FeatureLikely hoodEasyModerateHardDetail
Shore Entry / ExitCertainXHistorically a run in from the shore. Porpoising skills can be useful.
Influence of currentsProbableXHistorically a fast swim with the current. Take care in making the first buoy, and ensure you turn sharp at the last.
Water Temperature extremeUnlikelyX Historically 22 degrees
Wetsuit LegalPossible X Race one could be wetsuit legal but could be non-wetsuit. Be prepared for either.
Bike HillsNoneXTotal flat course
Bike CorneringCertain X Many hairpin and traffic circle turns.
Bike Biddon pick-up in motionNoneX
Bike PuncturePossibleX
Bike Drafting AvoidanceProbableXPacked course, packs sometimes form.
Run HillsNoneXTotally flat course
HumidityPossibleX50 – 80%
HeatPossibleX18 – 27 Degrees
RainPossibleX20% Chance
HeadwindProbableXHistorically strong headwind on southerly legs

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